Using desks or tables, participants will create their own beat using only their hands, and try to remember the beat sequence.
- Desks or tables
The foundation of any good song is a good beat. Work with you friends to create one without using any instruments.
- Groups will select which participant will go first (the oldest, the shortest, alphabetically or another way to decide).
- The first participant will start the beat sequence. They could hit the table with two hands, one hand, clap, snap, hit the table with the back of their hand(s), hit the table with 1 finger and so on. Participants are only allowed to use their hands to create the beat. Encourage participants to be creative!
- The next participant in the circle, going clockwise, will then do the first participant’s beat and then create the second beat.
- The third participant will do the first two beats and then create the third beat, and so on.
- If a participant misses a beat or does the wrong beat, then they get a letter. If they get a letter, they are still in, and when a participant spells “BEAT”, or “HAND”, or another word, then they are out for the remainder of the activity.
- When a participant misses a beat or does the wrong beat, the next participant will continue the beat. If 2-3 participants mess up the beat in a row, then the participants will start a new beat sequence.
- Try the speedy elimination version: instead of given participants a letter for missing or wrong beats, they are just out. Alternatively, if they are out for the round, they could get back in when another participant does a wrong beat or misses a beat.
- When a participant misses a beat or does the wrong beat, then the beat sequence will start over again.
- Participants create their own beat sequence as a group and then perform it to the rest of the group.
- Remind participants to be gentle when hitting the table.
- Were some beats easier or more difficult to follow/remember than others? Why do you think?
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