Posts tagged with "friends-mentors"

What do the phrases, “Fee fi fo fum”, “Alakazam,” and “I like Candy” have in common? They are all part of the delightful and always hilarious game Giants, Wizards, Elves. Split the group in half and see which side can conquer the other with a funny phrase and butterfly fingers.

Friends & Mentors
Use this simple playground tool as a means to increase cooperation and communication as students are challenged to evolve from Eggs to Superheros!

Friends & Mentors
To develop problem solving skills, cooperation, teamwork, verbal communication, and social comfort.

Thinking & Engaging
To develop communication, leadership and problem solving skills.

Offline & Connect
Participants are introduced to the idea that “hot” emotional states like anger or excitement, can make it more difficult to control their actions. As well, they will discuss the concept of empathy and look at the way in which digital communication can make it difficult for us to feel it for others.

Friends & Mentors
For participants to guide their blindfolded partner through the obstacle valley as quickly and safely as possible. Emphasizes communication and listening skills.

Friends & Mentors
For participants to learn more about the other participants and share facts about themselves.

Team up and face down in a friendly trivia match.

Healthy & Active
For participants to guide their partner to the correct locations and objects outdoors and do the designated activity at that object.

Friends & Mentors
The leader will privately ask participants questions about themselves, and their partner or group members will have to guess the correct answer when the game begins.

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