Participants are going to create their very own comic book main character and the enemy of that character and then participate in a game of dodgeball with their characters.
- Paper
- Pencils
- Markers
- Pencil Crayons
- Scissors
- Tape
- Hat/Bowl/Jar
- Optional: Foam Balls and pylons
Participants will live action role play their created superheroes, bringing to life their powers and weakness in an active game of dodgeball.
- Participants will think up the name of their comic book character and draw a picture of this character. They will also think of a name of that character’s enemy and draw a picture of that enemy (or just write the name). The main character could be a superhero, a regular person, an animal, an alien, an inanimate object, or anything else.
- Participants tape their comic book character to the front of their shirt.
- Divide participants into two groups.
- Each participant will write their enemy’s name on a piece of paper and put it into their groups hat/bowl/jar.
- Participants on the other team will draw an enemy’s name from the other team’s hat/bowl/jar.
- Participants could tape this name to the back of their shirt, put it in the pocket, or remember it and keep it at the side.
- Use the outside lines of the gym for boundaries.
- Each team starts at the end of their half.
- The leader will place 4-6 foam balls on the centre line.
- The goal for each team is to hit the participants on the other team (below the shoulders).
- If a participant is hit, then they are out and stand at the sidelines.
- If a participant catches the ball, the participant that threw it is out and stands at the sidelines. Also, if a participant on team A catches a ball, then the first participant on team A that was out, gets back in.
- When one team has no more players, then the game is over.
- The participants on the winning team that are not out, will say the name of their comic book character’s enemy.
- The participants on the other team who selected that enemy, will have to do a set activity, such as a lap of the gym, 20 jumping jacks, 10 burpees and so on.
- OR, they start sitting out for the next round and can only get back in if a participant on their team catches the ball. OR, they’re not allowed to catch the ball in the next round. Or another punishment.
- At the start of each round, participants can trade enemies with other participants on their team.
- Have participants create the main character’s best friend/sidekick and a brief comic strip that includes them and the enemy.
- Instruct each participant to also write their superhero names on pieces of paper. Gather the names of team A in one bag and all of the names of team B in another bag. Present each team the bag of names from the opposing team, and allow a volunteer from each team to select a name from the opposing team’s bag. This is their team’s enemy. They must keep the name of their enemy a secret from the opposing team, but should be encouraged to strategize within their own team. Play the game of dodgeball in the way described above with this added bit: if anyone manages to hit their team’s assigned enemy, it is an automatic round win for that team.
- Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
- Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
- Remind participants that the ball has to hit below the shoulders.
- Who was your villain?
- Were you successful in getting them out?
- How did you manage to stay alive?
Obtained from: http://activeafterschool.ca/activities/comic-creation-and-game