For participants to guess the designated object by other participants asking them questions about the object.
- A piece of paper with different objects written on each piece (optional)
Have a participant stand in front of the rest of the participants with their back to a chalkboard or whiteboard if there is one. If not, have a participant stand in front of the participants and the leader will have a piece of a paper with an object written on it that they hold behind the participant at the front.
- Select one participant to start as the guesser.
- If there is a chalkboard or whiteboard in the room, the guesser will stand in front of it with their back to it and they will be facing the other participants.
- The leader will write an object, such as “Lemon” on the board.
- If there is no board, the guesser will stand facing the other participants, and the leader will hold up a piece of paper with an object written on it, such as “Lemon”, so that the participants can see it.
- The guesser IS the object written down, but they just don’t know what they are.
- The goal is for the guesser to guess what object they are and for the participants to help them guess it.
- If a participant is called upon by the guesser, they will ask them a question or say a statement about the object they are, without saying the object!
- Examples of a questions or statements for lemon are: “How does it feel to be a fruit?” or “Why are you yellow?” or “Why are you so sour?” or “You make a really good summer drink” and so on.
- The guesser will choose up to a maximum of 3 participants to ask a question. If they guess what they are on the third question, then the participant who asked it is the guesser. If they guess it on the second question, then that participant is now the guesser.
- If they don’t guess what they are after 3, then they choose or the leader chooses a participant to become the guesser.
- Continue the game!
- Can tell the participant the category of their object, such as: food, thing, animal etc.
- Have participants come up with objects to use, and have a bowl with all the suggestions in it, and pull one out for each round.
- Consider allowing participants with a cognitive limitation more than three guesses in determining the object which they represent, if needed. Or, provide hints to assist these participants as necessary.
- There are no foreseeable safety concerns for this activity.
- How many questions did you have to ask before guessing correctly?
- Did you use a particular strategy?
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